L1. Articles in international journals with ISI impact factor
(A=total number of authors,
a=number of authors from department,
I=the impact factor (ISI), C=number of citations)
M. L. D. Ion and D. B. Ion,
Optimal bounds for Tsallis-like entropies in quantum scattering of
spinless particless.
Phys. Rev. Lett. 83 (1999) 463-467
A=2, a=2, I=6.477, C=0
D. B. Ion and M. L. D. Ion,
Angle-angular-momentum entropic bounds and optimal entropies for
quantum scattering of spinless particless.
Phys. Rev. E60 (1999) 5261-5274.
A=2, a=2, I=2.15, C=0
- 3.
D. B. Ion and M. L. D. Ion,
Entropic uncertainty relations for nonextensive quantum scattering.
Phys. Lett. B466 (1999) 27-32.
A=2, a=2, I=3.67, C=0
D. B. Ion and M. L. D. Ion,
Limited entropic uncertainty as a new principle in quantum physics.
Accepted for publication in Phys. Lett. B, 1999. .
A=2, a=2, I=3.67, C=0
M. C. Abreu, ..., C. Alexa, V. Boldea, S. Dita, ...,et al. (NA50 Collab.)
Observation of a threshold effect in the anomalous J/Psi
Phys. Lett. , B450 (1999) 456-466.
A=98, a=3, I=3.58, C=18.
M. C. Abreu, ..., C. Alexa, V. Boldea, S. Dita, ...,et al. (NA50 Collab.)
Nucl. Phys. (Proc. Suppl.), B71 (1999) 279-286.
A=93, a=3, I=3.54, C=.
M. C. Abreu, ..., C. Alexa, V. Boldea, S. Dita, ...,et al. (NA50 Collab.)
Observation of fission in Pb-Pb interactions at 158A GeV.
Phys. Rev. , C59 (1999) 876-883.
A=106, a=3, I=1.98, C=.
M. C. Abreu, ..., C. Alexa, V. Boldea, S. Dita, ...,et al. (NA50 Collab.)
Intermediate mass dimuons in NA38/NA50.
Journ. of Phys. G, 25 (1999) 235-245.
A=103, a=3, I=1.13, C=11.
M. C. Abreu, ..., C. Alexa, V. Boldea, S. Dita, ...,et al. (NA50 Collab.)
Low mass dimuon production in proton and ion induced interactions at
the SPS.
Euro. Phys. Jour. C, in print.
A=103, a=3, I=3.16, C=0.
M. C. Abreu, ..., C. Alexa, V. Boldea, S. Dita, ...,et al. (NA50 Collab.)
Latest results from NA50 experiment on charmonium production in Pb-Pb
Nucl. Phys. A661 (1999) 93c.
A=98, a=3, I=1.99, C=.
M. C. Abreu, ..., C. Alexa, V. Boldea, S. Dita, ...,et al. (NA50 Collab.)
Dimuon enhancement in nucleus-nucleus ultrarelativistic interactions.
Nucl. Phys. A661 (1999) 538c.
A=98, a=3, I=1.99, C=.
M. C. Abreu, ..., C. Alexa, V. Boldea, S. Dita, ...,et al. (NA50 Collab.)
phi, rho and omega
production in Pb-Pb collisions at 158 GeV/c per nucleon.
Nucl. Phys. A661 (1999) 534c.
A=98, a=3, I=1.99, C=.
M. C. Abreu, ..., C. Alexa, V. Boldea, S. Dita, ...,et al. (NA50 Collab.)
The elliptic flow of neutral transverse energy in heavy ion interactions
at SPS energies.
Nucl. Phys. A661 (1999) 345c.
A=98, a=3, I=1.99, C=.
M. C. Abreu, ..., C. Alexa, V. Boldea, S. Dita, ...,et al. (NA50 Collab.)
Fission of Lead projectiles in Pb-nucleus collisions at the SPS.
Nucl. Phys. A661 (1999) 321c.
A=98, a=3, I=1.99, C=.
D. V. Anghel and M. Manninen
Behaviour of the Phonon Gas in restricted geometries
Phys. Rev. B59 (1999) 9854-9857.
A=2, a=1, I=2.88, C=0.
J. Link, ..., D.Pantea, ..., et al., (FOCUS Collab.)
Charmed Baryon and Semileptonic Physics at FOCUS
Nucl. Phys. (Proc. Suppl.) 75B (1999) 20-23.
A=99, a=1, I=3.54, C=0.
J.Link, ..., D.Pantea, ..., et al., (FOCUS Collab.)
Overview of FOCUS and a report on charmed mesons in FOCUS
Nucl. Phys. (Proc. Suppl.) 75B (1999) 105-111.
A=99, a=1, I=3.54, C=0.
V.Arena ..., D.Pantea, ..., et al.,
Description and performance of the FOCUS (E831) hadron calorimeter
Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A434 (1999) 271-278.
A=19, a=1, I=0.89, C=0.
A.N.Aleev, ...,M.Bragadireanu, T.Ponta, T. Preda, ...et al.,
The EXCHARM Spectrometer,
Instruments and Experimental Techniques, Vol. 42, No. 4,
(1999) , 481-492.
A=50, a=3, I=0.21, C=0.
A.N.Aleev, ...,M.Bragadireanu, T.Ponta, T. Preda, ...et al.,
Characteristics of inclusive production of the K*(892) strange
resonance in neutron-nuclei interactions,
Preprint JINR E1-99-136, (Dubna) and to appear in Yadernaia Fizika
A=50, a=3, I=0.712, C=0
A.N.Aleev, ...,M.Bragadireanu, T.Ponta, T. Preda, ...et al.,
Spin velocity of the K*(892) mesons produced in neutron-nuclei
Preprint JINR E1-99-178, (Dubna) and to appear in Physics Letters
A=50, a=3, I=0.712, C=0
M. Bragadireanu, C. Petrascu, M.Iliescu, ... et al.,
A prototype threshold Cherenkov counter for DIRAC.
Nucl. Instr. and Meth., A426:254-267, 1999.
A=16, a=3, I=0.89, C=0.
C. Petrascu, M.Bragadireanu, M.Iliescu, T.Ponta, ..., et al.,
Disentangling the K-complex of kaonic hydrogen with DEAR.
Hyperfine Interactions 118 (1999) 53-57.
A=40, a=4, I=0.95, C=0.
C. Guaraldo, ...,M.Bragadireanu, M.Iliescu, C. Petrascu, T.Ponta, ...,
et al.,
The DEAR case.
Hyperfine Interactions 119 (1999) 253-261.
A=40, a=4, I=0.95, C=0.
- 25.
- S.Bianco, ...,M.Bragadireanu, M.Iliescu, C. Petrascu, T.Ponta, ...,
et al.,
The DEAR case.
Riv. del Nuovo Cim. 22 (1999) 1-45.
A=40, a=4, I=1.00, C=0.
- 26.
- D. V. Anghel and M. Manninen,
Core-melted clusters.
Eur. Phys. J. D 9 (1999) 437-?.
A=2, a=1, I=?, C=0.
L2. Articles in the Romanian Academy journals
(atributted impact factor I=0.200)
D.B.Ion and M.L.D.Ion,
Information entropies and optimal state description for diffraction
in optics.
Rom. Journ. Phys. 44 (1999) 33-44.
A=2, a=2, I=0.200, C=0
D.B.Ion and R.Ion-Mihai,
Supergiant halos as experimental evidence for the pionic radioactivity.
Rom. Journ. Phys. 44 (1999) ?-?.
A=2, a=2, I=0.200, C=0